Restorative Massage for Pain Relief

Restorative massage therapy creates harmony and balance in our muscular structure by reducing the stress hormones and detoxifying the body. The Touch Research Institute at the University of South Florida has conducted over 100 studies on the positive effects of massage therapy on many functions and medical conditions. They have studied the effects of massage therapy at all stages of life, from newborns to senior citizens. The Touch Research Institute article was published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology the massage therapy subjects reported that their pain was diminished, and they had less stiffness, less fatigue, and improved sleep. Tests showed lower stress hormones which translated to lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Many muscle pain problems respond positively to restorative massage including post-surgery knee and hip replacements, trigger points, shoulder referral pain, and neck, and back pain and spasms. Patients with hypersensitive responses do well to the lighter touch therapy of Craniosacral therapy and Manual Lymph Drainage. Although fibromyalgia is a neurologic body inflammation problem that generally affects the entire body. Trigger points can refer to pain in a pattern some distance from the real problem.

restorative massage therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is very effective in treating TP’S. The illustration shows a typical headache trigger point that responds to treatment. I find techniques that work vary with each patient, some respond with very light manual lymph drainage while others get significant relief from deeper neuromuscular therapy. As we age it is important to take care of ourselves so that we can stay active and feel good.

Cranio-Sacral Therapy for Pain Relief

We are all aware of the rhythm of the breath and the rhythm of our heart. There is also another important body rhythm, the Craniosacral Rhythm. The normal rhythm of the Cranio-Sacral system is between 10- 12 cycles per minute. Trauma and health issues can cause deviation from the normal rhythm.

Jamie came to me with complaints of headaches and low back pain. About two years ago her pain began after a fall. She landed on her tail bone. According to Jamie’s doctor’s report, there were no structural problems to explain her pain. However, her fall could have caused a disruption of the Cranio-Sacral rhythm. She responded well to a combination of therapy which included Craniosacral Therapy (CST), a light-touch approach that gently works with the skull and its cranial sutures, the diaphragms, and the bodies’ fascia and muscles to balance the Cranio-Sacral rhythm.

Craniosacral therapy releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. In this way, the restrictions of nerve passages are eased, the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord is optimized, and harmony is restored to the body. Because Cranio-Sacral therapy is so gentle, it can be effective for all ages, from newborns to elders. The conditions that I have most helped with Craniosacral therapy are migraines, tensions headaches, and chronic neck pain, back pain, stress, tension-related disorders, learning disabilities, dyslexia, fibromyalgia, and TMJ syndrome. Our Craniosacral rhythm is important to our health, our structure, and our immune system.  Masks are worn in the clinic and during therapy treatments. We sanitize between treatments and we have VU filters in the lobby and in my treatment room. Be safe and well.