Are you Suffering from TMJ Pain?
Are you one of the 30 million people suffering from TMJ pain or headaches? Ask yourself these questions:
- Are you aware of constant tension in your jaw?
- Do you have headaches?
- Does your jaw lock up?
- Do you grind your teeth at night?
- Does your pain seem constant and severe or appear to come and go?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above you may very well be suffering from TMJ and could benefit from TMJ Therapy.
Symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction
- Headaches
- Ear Pain
- Sounds
- Dizziness
- Fullness of the Ears
- Ringing in the Ears
You may also experience pain in both or one of the jaw points wich may include popping or clicking sounds in the jaw. TMJ Dysfunction can cause severe headaches, face and neck pain. Your jaw pain may not have become apparent until after a car accident, head injury, or after long periods of high stress.
How is TMJ treated?
I can help 95% of my patients with TMJ by using a combination of Neuromuscular Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Cranial Decompression and Structural Integration.
How long are the treatment sessions?
Sessions can last from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on how localized the problem is.
How many sessions or treatments will I need to get relief from the pain?
Most patients will feel relief after the first session. The trauma protocol is 2 or 3 sessions per week for two weeks and then one per week for 3 weeks until the jaw stabilizes. The longer that you have had the problem, the longer it can take to resolve the scar tissue and compensation problems.
Can I learn to do some of the therapy on myself?
Yes, self massage and exercises with hot and cold compresses can be very helpful in the recovery process. In addition their are 24 Habits to help you STOP TMJ as well exercises you should and should not do.
Will I need to see other doctors for this condition?
Yes, usually a team approach works best. The Team may include a D.D.S. TMJ Specialist, Chiropractor, Medical Orthopedist and Neurologist.
What other therapy will I need?
It is often necessary to use splint therapy to release TMJ joint pressure. Working with your dentist and other doctors in a team effort to find the root cause and correcting it is the key to a successful treatment program.
Will the problem go away?
The TMJ area has a good supply area has a good supply of blood and nerve intervention thus allowing it to heal. It is important to remove the contraction of the muscles and pressure from the area to give the body the opportunity to heal.